Conflict of Interest Policy between Trainers/Coaches/Assessors and Participants for Equa’s Mediation Training Program

Last Updated: 22-08-2023

Equa values integrity and impartiality at the utmost and the trainers, coaches and assessors affiliated with Equa also abide by our code of conduct and have the utmost integrity.

Equa is committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity as an institution, demonstrated by its policy for Conflict of Interest. Our commitment to transparency, fairness, and impartiality is at the core of everything we do.

Our comprehensive policy not only outlines clear procedures for identifying and addressing conflicts but also encourages a culture of accountability where all stakeholders, including trainers, coaches, assessors, and participants, are encouraged to uphold the principles of ethical conduct.

1. Purpose and Scope:

This Conflict of Interest (COI) Policy aims to address potential conflicts of interest that may arise between trainers, coaches, assessors ("Facilitators"), and participants during the Mediation Training Course ("Course"). The policy outlines guidelines and procedures to ensure fairness, objectivity, and transparency in interactions between Facilitators and participants.

2. Definitions:

2.1. Facilitators: Refers to trainers, coaches, and assessors involved in delivering the Mediation Training Course.

2.2. Participants: Refers to individuals enrolled in the Mediation Training Course.

2.3. Conflict of Interest: Occurs when a Facilitator's personal, professional, or financial interests could compromise their impartiality, fairness, or the quality of the training experience.

2.4. Disclosure: The act of revealing a potential conflict of interest to relevant parties.

2.5. Mitigation: Actions taken to minimize, manage, or eliminate the impact of a conflict of interest.

3. Identification and Disclosure:

Facilitators and participants have a shared responsibility to identify and disclose potential conflicts of interest that may arise during the Course. Potential conflicts may include:

3.1. Financial interests in participants' success or outcome of their mediation practice.

3.2. Pre-existing personal relationships that could impact objectivity.

3.3. Previous professional connections between Facilitators and participants.

4. Procedures for Disclosure:

4.1. Facilitators: Any Facilitator who becomes aware of a potential conflict of interest must promptly disclose it to the Registrar at Equa. The disclosure should include relevant details and any strategies proposed for mitigation.

4.2. Participants: Participants who recognize a potential conflict of interest involving a Facilitator should promptly and confidentially inform the Registrar at Equa about their concerns.

4.3. Mitigation: Upon receiving a disclosure, the Registrar at Equa will assess the situation and implement appropriate mitigation measures, which may include:

4.3.1. Reassigning Facilitators to avoid conflicts.

4.3.2. Bringing in an additional Facilitator to ensure balance.

4.3.3. Informing participants about potential conflicts before the training sessions.

4.3.4. Providing participants with the option to request a different Facilitator if they feel uncomfortable.

5. Monitoring and Review:

The Registrar at Equa will regularly review the effectiveness of mitigation measures to ensure that conflicts of interest are being managed appropriately and that the Course maintains its integrity and objectivity.

6. Consequences for Non-Compliance:

Failure to disclose conflicts of interest may lead to corrective action, that is removal from the training team or discontinuation of participation in the Course.

7. Confidentiality:

All disclosures and actions taken to address conflicts of interest will be treated confidentially to protect the privacy and reputations of all parties involved.

8. Training and Awareness:

All Facilitators and participants will receive training on this COI Policy, its purpose, and the procedures to follow.

9. Contact Information:

Facilitators and participants can reach out to the Registrar at Equa on the designated online portal on Equa’s website for guidance on potential conflicts of interest or to report concerns related to this policy.

This Conflict-of-Interest Policy is intended to make certain that interactions between Facilitators and trainees in the mediation training course are impartial, fair, and transparent. By abiding by these rules, all parties help to create a productive and positive learning environment.
